Narada problem

       Once Devarshi Narada appeared in front of his father Bramha ji by chanting "Narayana-Narayana" and paid obeisance to the revered father.  Seeing Narada in front, Brahma Ji asked, “Narada!  How did you come today?  Your facial expressions are saying something!  Any special purpose or any new problem? " Narada Ji replied, "Father, there is no such special purpose, a question has been knocking in the mind for many days.  Today I am present to know your answer.  "

       "Then how late?  It is better to solve the doubts of the mind quickly!  So feel free to ask your question! "  - Brahma said."Father, you are the father of all the universe, God and demon are your child."  Gods are superior in devotion and knowledge, and demons are superior in strength and penance!  But I am entangled in the same question as to who is the best among the two.  And why did you give the devas a place in heaven and the demons in the Hades? 

       To know the answer to these questions, I have come to your shelter ”- Narada said while telling his question to Bramhaji.Hearing the question of Narada, Brahmadev said, Narada is difficult to answer this question and I will not be able to answer it because both Dev and Demon are my sons and it is not fair to compare my two sons with my own face!  But still I can help you find the answer to your question. 

     You should send an invitation to both gods and demons today for food from me.  Tomorrow we will host a banquet for them.  And tomorrow you will have your question why God is in heaven-world and demon in hell-world;  Answer will also be foundNarada immediately invited the Asuras and Devas.On the second day, the demons reached Brahma-loka to enjoy the food and due to the first arrival, they requested Brahma Ji to start the first meal himself.

    The food plates were served, the demons sat down to eat, they were about to start the meal that Bramha ji appeared before them with some wood in his hand and he said, "There is a small condition of today's food. I am present here.  I will tie wood in both the hands of each guest in such a way that he cannot bend with the elbow and in this situation everyone will have to eat.  "After some time the wood was tied in the hands of all the asuras.  Now the Asuras started eating, but how could anyone eat in such a situation.

     If a demon tried to eat directly by putting his face on a plate, then someone tried to put food in the mouth by throwing it in the air.  Narada Ji could not stop laughing after seeing such a situation of demons!Seeing all his efforts failing, the demons got up without eating and in anger said.

      "If we had to do the same situation then why should we have been called on food?"  After some time, Dev is also going to reach here, you will tie similar sticks in his hands so that we too can enjoy his plight….  "After some time Dev also reached there and now Dev sat for food, as soon as he read the food mantra of Devas, Bramha ji tied sticks in everyone's hands and placed the condition of food.Dev kept calm even after the wood was tied in his hands, he realized that it was not possible to eat with his own hands, so he moved a little further and picked up the food from the plate and started feeding it to the person in front. 

      With great affection they were feeding each other, and enjoying the food, they tasted the food in full as well as expressed their affection, and respect for others.Why did not this imagination strike us, the demons started feeling very sad with this idea.  Narada ji was smiling seeing this. 

       Narada ji said to Bramha ji, “Father, you are very brave.  A person's life is better for charity than for the use of tactics, strength and strength for selfishness.  You have shown this evidence in the well being of others, and I have found the answer to my questions.  Everyone bowed down to Brahma ji and left from there.

 Friends, we have not got this life just for our own selfishness, if we use it for philanthropy, then surely we will get heaven in this life.  If we give love and affection to others, we will get the same in return.

      If we can make a small contribution to our society according to our ability, then it is a big achievement in itself!