Minister's Tip

     The king of Sundernagar was very rich, had a large kingdom and had great pride to be rich.  But even then he used to think about the subjects, so sometimes he accepted the proposal of the cabinet.  One day he got the idea to roam the country and set out to plan the country tour.  When he returned, he complained to his ministers about the pain in his feet.  

       The Kankar stones which were in the way of King Bola got pierced in my foot and some arrangements should be made for this and after some time, the ministers and soldiers asked that all the roads of the country be covered with leather.  On hearing such a command of the king, all the sss came in but could not show any courage to refuse.  It was certain that this work required a lot of attention.  After some time, a wise minister, fearing the king, said that I want to suggest to you that if you do not want to waste so much money, then I have a good idea which will also help you and unnecessary waste of money  Neither will be.  

        The king was surprised because for the first time no one had told him after accepting it, he said, tell me what is the suggestion?  The minister said that instead of covering the entire state roads with leather, you should use a piece of leather for your feet.  The king looked at the minister in surprise and then ordered to make a shoe for himself.