A bun

        Three persons were returning after receiving initiation from a Siddha Guru.  Guru ji had also taught him to be practical along with spiritual knowledge.All three texts were moving forward discussing the Puranas.  After walking for a long time, he realized that now he should rest somewhere and go ahead after spending the night.  They stayed in one place and opened a bundle of food… but unfortunately there was only one bread left in it.

       The three thought that sharing it will not satisfy anyone's hunger… it would be better if only one eats it.But how do we know who that person is?

 Since they were returning from spiritual experiences, the three decided that they would leave the decision to God… God would make such a gesture that it would be understood that who wants a story.

     And thinking like this, all three of them lay down, due to being tired, soon everyone got their eye.When he woke up the next morning, the first man said, "Last night an angel came in my dream, he took me on a walk to heaven ... I had never seen such scenes before ... infinite peace, infinite beauty ... I everywhere  I saw and when I was in the last leg of the tour, a Mahatma wearing white clothes said to me… “Son take this bread… consider it as Prasad and feed your hunger”.

 The first person had finished saying that the second person said,What a strange thing, I too had a similar dream, and in the end a Mahatma gave me clear instructions that I have done good to people throughout my life, so my right to bread is right.The third person was sitting silently listening to both of them.

 "What did you dream?"  , The first person asked There was nothing in my dream, I did not go anywhere, nor did I see any Mahatma.  But once in the night when my sleep was broken, I got up and ate bread.

 “Hey… what have you done….  Why did you not tell us before doing this? The other two asked angrily."How would you say, both of you who have gone so far in your dreams.", Said the third person.

 And yesterday, Guruji told us that along with spiritual knowledge, the importance of practical knowledge should be understood. 

   In my case, God soon indicated to me that it is better to die of hunger than to eat bread… and I did the same.