Last stop

     The villagers living in the Sunderbans area were always at risk of wild animals.  Especially the young men who used to choose wood in dense forests, tiger could attack them anytime.  This was the reason that they all trained to climb the trees fast.

    Training was given by an elderly village man;  Those who were considered the masters of this art in their time.  All used to respectfully call him Baba-Baba.Baba had been teaching a group of youngsters the basics of fast climbing and climbing for some months and today was the last day of his training.

 Baba said, "Today is the last day of your training, I want you all to show up and down fast on this smooth and tall tree once."

 All the youths agreed to show their skills.

 First the young man started climbing the tree fast and on seeing it reached the highest branch of the tree.  Then he started descending, and when he came down about half, Baba said, “Careful, be careful.  … Get off easy… no hurry…. ”

 The young man came down carefully

 Similarly, the rest of the youth also climbed the tree and descended, and each time Baba told them to be careful only after half-way down.This was something strange to the youth, and one of them asked, "Baba, we did not understand one thing about you, the hardest part of the tree was at the very top, where both climbing and descending was very difficult,  You did not tell us to be careful then, but when we got down half of the tree and it was easy to get the rest, why did you instruct us to be careful?  "

      Baba said being serious, "Son!  We all know that the top part is the most difficult, so there we all become cautious and take full care.  But when we start approaching our goal, it seems very simple to us….  We are excited and full of confidence and at this time there is a possibility of making the most mistakes.

      This is the reason why I cautioned you guys after getting down half a tree so that you do not come near your destination and make a mistake!  "The youth understood Baba's words, today he had learned a great lesson.

 Friends, it is very important to set goals to be successful, and it is also very important that when we get closer to achieving our goal, get the floor in front then do not be hasty and be patient with your steps ahead.  Increase.

       Many people lose their patience by approaching the goal and make mistakes due to which they miss their target.  Therefore, do not take any kind of inadvertence even after reaching the last stop of the goal and kill yourself by achieving the goal.