Lions and hyena

A lion named Shera was very upset.He was a young lion who had just started hunting.  But due to lack of experience, he had not been able to hunt a single person yet.  After every unsuccessful attempt, he would become depressed, and even the hyena that was moving around from above would have fun by ridiculing him.

     This was well understood by Shera's mother, who was one of the most successful predators of the party.  One night, Mother called Shera and said, "Don't you worry, we have all gone through this phase, there was a time when I couldn't even hunt even the smallest and then these hysterics used to laugh at me a lot.  

      Then I learned, "If you give up and stop hunting, then victory is hyped.  But if you keep trying and keep improving yourself… If you keep learning, then one day you become a great hunter and then these hyena never laugh at you. ”Time passed and within a few months, Shera emerged as a magnificent hunter, and one day one of the same hymns fell into her hands.

      "Mmm don't kill me… forgive me;  Let me go ”, hyena muttered."I will not kill you, I just want to send a message to you and critics like you.  Your ridiculing could not stop me, it just made me more excited to be a good hunter… You got nothing by ridiculing me but today I rule this forest.  Go, I spared your life… Go tell your sly colleagues that yesterday they used to make fun of me, today they are their king. ”

 Friends, there is no shortage of people who can count your shortcomings in this world, you will be met with many critics who doubt your ability, your skills and ability to do something, will make fun of you.

        If you back out of fear of these critics, then you let them win, but if you persevere, try again and again, keep improving yourself then one day you win.So never turn your back on the critics who come in life, face them, don't tell them anything bad, just keep chasing your goals silently and show success one day… this will be your biggest answer for them.